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Golf Leagues
The golf league season, has come to a close. We would like to thank all of our members, that continue to play and participate in the various leagues that we offer. Again, as a reminder, Women's Golf League is played on Monday evenings starting at 6:00 p.m. Women's league starts around the middle of May. The golf course during women's league, is CLOSED to all others.
Tuesdays, are for the men's leagues to play. We have a 1:00 p.m. (2-man) team league format. At 3:30 p.m., we offer another (2-man) team league format. Starting at 6:00 p.m., late league golfers can play in a (2-man) scramble format. As life gets busier, we are fortunate to offer different leagues, at different times, to suit the majority of our membership. Men's leagues always start the last Tuesday in April. The golf course is CLOSED during men's leagues on Tuesdays.
Wednesday night league is also offered to both men and women members that want to join a league, but have a difficult time making it every week constantly. This league, you play your own ball, and points are determined on how well you play, compared to your handicap. Unlike the other leagues, you are able to make up a round, at any time during the week. The golf course is NOT closed during Wednesday night league.
PLEASE NOTE: You must be a member to participate in any of the leagues
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